China Fabric Factory Fabric News Shishi City launches counterpart consultation activities on “Transformation and Upgrading of Textile, Footwear and Clothing Industry”

Shishi City launches counterpart consultation activities on “Transformation and Upgrading of Textile, Footwear and Clothing Industry”

On the morning of July 27, Chairman Huang Yanyi and Vice Chairman Zhu Xian of the Shishi CPPCC led some members of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC to visit textile, footwear an…

On the morning of July 27, Chairman Huang Yanyi and Vice Chairman Zhu Xian of the Shishi CPPCC led some members of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC to visit textile, footwear and clothing enterprises to carry out counterpart consultation activities on “Transformation and Upgrading of the Textile, Footwear and Clothing Industry”. The Economic Resources Office of the CPPCC As well as relevant responsible persons from the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Big Data Bureau, Financial Bureau, Textile and Apparel Industry Alliance, etc. participated in the event.

The research team came to Shishi Guyuka E-Commerce Co., Ltd., visited the operation center, and listened to the practices and experiences of the company’s transformation and upgrading. This is a Quanzhou e-commerce demonstration enterprise integrating product research and development, production, e-commerce operations, offline physical stores and logistics. In recent years, Guyuka has kept pace with the times and has undergone many transformations. While vigorously developing new retail, it has continued to carry out cross-border cooperation and accelerated the pace of seizing “social e-commerce” to widely attract personalized and fresh fashion consumers. Those who achieved good results.

The research team then came to Dasen Baoye Technology Co., Ltd., went deep into the intelligent production workshop, visited and improved the production chain, listened to introductions to the digitalization of corporate management, intelligent equipment, fabric research and development, etc., and learned about the needs and development of the company. problems at hand. It is reported that the company has begun the intelligent transformation of equipment in recent years, and is committed to fully utilizing digital intelligent equipment to build an industry-leading textile manufacturing enterprise integrating weaving, dyeing, and finishing garments.

After the survey, a symposium was held, and the participants provided suggestions and suggestions on the transformation and upgrading of the textile, footwear and clothing industry. The meeting pointed out that in recent years, Shishi has actively integrated into the “dual cycle” development pattern, actively seized the development opportunities of new business formats such as live streaming e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce, deeply implemented foreign trade reforms such as market procurement trade, and overcome disadvantages such as changes in consumption patterns during the epidemic. Factors, turn the crisis into an opportunity to guide the transformation and upgrading of the textile, footwear and apparel industry in response to market demand. However, there is still room for improvement in department coordination, business promotion, platform services, financial support, entrepreneur quality, etc. Measures must be implemented in detail and effectively Service companies. Focusing on the further development of the textile, footwear and clothing industry, Zhu Xian pointed out that we must face challenges head-on and strengthen confidence; implement policies and ensure elements; reform and innovate, and transform and upgrade.


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Author: clsrich
