China Fabric Factory Fabric News What makes men with big bellies collapse is the matching (no matter how good the item is if the details are not handled well)

What makes men with big bellies collapse is the matching (no matter how good the item is if the details are not handled well)

No matter what season it is, no matter how old you are, you must have the correct idea of ​​​​beautifying when choosing clothes. Only by knowing how to use your strengths and avoid…

No matter what season it is, no matter how old you are, you must have the correct idea of ​​​​beautifying when choosing clothes. Only by knowing how to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses can you gain more. many.

Instead of blindly pursuing the trend and avant-garde, you might as well collect your own shortcomings and make the shape as detailed as possible. This is what smart men should do to shape their body and improve their advantage points.

1. How to visually lose weight for men with a big belly

In fact, the appearance of a big belly appears in men over 30 It is extremely common to have belly fat on the body. Affected by external factors and work positions, men in this group always face the trouble of belly fat when dressing.

The belly has become a limiting point in dressing. Even if the limbs are very slender, it is difficult to achieve a balanced line. status, so dressing ideas are extremely important when matching.

  • The Fatal Point of a Big Belly

①No waistline

If the belly is larger, the overall shape will be difficult to balance and the waist line will be very Naturally affected by flesh, no matter how good-looking the clothes are, the upper body will always fail to produce a high-end effect. On the contrary, it will appear extra bloated and fat. Faced with such a problem, you must not miss a loose jacket with three-dimensional lines. .

②Look Looks very rich

Basically, men with a big belly are generally working professionals, and there are social opportunities With the increase in the number, their childish appearance has gradually faded away, followed by rich styles. Therefore, men with big bellies must not ignore the details. For example, slightly wide coats and uniquely designed items must be arranged with emphasis.

③Wear Attention should be paid to cool items

No matter how good-looking you are, if you cannot reasonably correct your body defects If you don’t modify it, it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect. When cool outfits are used on men with a big belly, the overall color should not be too bright and exaggerated. Instead, some subtle embellishments are the way to go.

Two , How to make a man with a big belly return to his peak?

①The inner wear should not be too slim

In winter, spring and autumn, the probability of needing inner wear is very high. Under the urging of cooling, when inner wear cannot meet the style and temperament, wear it out. The image is not only boring but also fat. Men with a little belly must avoid slim-fitting styles when choosing inner wear in winter. It is a better idea to use more sweatshirts or shirts.

②No An eye-catching waistline is the key

Many men with big bellies habitually choose low-waisted trousers. The purpose of matching is to reduce the pressure on the belly, but in fact, the waistline is a crucial detail for both thin and fat people.

The inconspicuous waistline can bring you a lot For example, when you use it with a loose top, it not only lengthens the legs but also covers the thick waist. It is quite aura when paired with a cool leather jacket. Men with a small belly can focus on this motorcycle style outfit. .

③different Dressed too plainly

The more you wearThe more ordinary you are, the less likely you are to look like a grown-up. An expert’s outfit will always be made high-quality because of the individual items. Just like this coat, the long, loose coat is very friendly and stands out. It has just the right aura to cover the belly. It’s hard to guard against.

An uncomplicated belly tightening performance can also be done like this Add points for color matching and lines, and use the decorative advantages of a black sweater to become an inner match. Paired with a loose jacket and high-waisted pants, no matter what age you are, this set can completely turn you into a handsome man. It’s very suitable for counterattack outfits.

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Author: clsrich
