China Fabric Factory Fabric News How to tuck short sleeves into pants and look good (not knowing how to wear short sleeves will directly expose your shortcomings)

How to tuck short sleeves into pants and look good (not knowing how to wear short sleeves will directly expose your shortcomings)

Speaking of short-sleeved shirts, they are definitely a magical item. No matter tall, short, fat or thin, men, women, old or young, everyone will wear short-sleeved shirts when goi…

Speaking of short-sleeved shirts, they are definitely a magical item. No matter tall, short, fat or thin, men, women, old or young, everyone will wear short-sleeved shirts when going out, as if short-sleeved shirts are just one item. A “no-taboo” item.

But is it really “no taboo”?

Short-sleeved fabric comparison Compared with other items, it is lighter and thinner, making it difficult to create a silhouette to modify the lines. Moreover, because it is thin, the covering effect is relatively small, so short sleeves can easily expose the shortcomings of the wearer’s figure.

Short sleeves are popular nowadays One-size-fits-all, many people think that one-size-fits-all is the most suitable for them, but they don’t know that this is the real “dress killer”. Everyone’s body shape is different, how can one size be enough?

Short? Then create a sense of hierarchy!

Speaking of body shortcomings, That short person is definitely one of the best, and for dwarf people, wearing tall clothes is undoubtedly the best and most acceptable.

And the most obvious skill It is undoubtedly to raise the waistline. The existence of the waistline is to help you create a certain proportion of your body shape. For example, if you want to show longer legs, it is best to tuck the hem of the short sleeves into the pants and raise the waistline a little.

But the above technique is based on A well-proportioned figure is a prerequisite, but in fact not everyone is well-proportioned. For example, some people are short and thin, and some are short and fat. So what should we do?

1. Short + thin

If you are relatively thin, then the root of the problem is that you have no aura, and you feel more delicate when walking on the road. , losing the sense of toughness that boys should have.

For this case, small The editor recommends that you try to choose a short-sleeved shirt with a heavier feel and use a sense of design to make up for the thinness. The best choice is a short-sleeved shirt with a bit of silhouette.

Compared with T-shirts, Short-sleeved shirts have more lines, so when paired with trousers, you need to choose a slightly looser version, but be careful not to be too wide, otherwise it will easily make you look thinner.

In addition, try to wear long pants First, after all, shorts were a symbol of boys a long time ago, and the loose cuffs can easily bring out your “thin” calves…

2. Short + fat

If you are fat, you must stay away from loose styles. The reason is very simple. After all, no one wants to look chubby in summer.

For this case, the hierarchy Feeling is undoubtedly the most important thing. The clean short-sleeved version can modify the lines and make your overall look look not dragging or cumbersome at all.

It is best to avoid colorful colors For patterns, try to pursue clean and concise colors. In addition, it is true that dark colors make people slimmer. In addition, tall and thin people can also try rolling up the cuffs to create a sense of structure. It can also increase the weight of the arms and make the overall look look stronger and more capable!

Fat or strong? Then try your best to create a sense of lightness!

After talking about the lighter body shape, let’s talk about the more weighty body shape-fat and strong.

The skills required for this body shape are completely opposite to the above two. If you want to wear short sleeves well, you must work hard to reduce the weight.

If you are taller, you can try a more layered look. This will not only reduce the excess weight, but also make the overall look look less excessive. Bloated.

1. Strong

If you exercise regularly and your upper body muscles are very developed, you can try a well-fitting short sleeve. If the short sleeve is particularly tight, please wear it yourself. Is it okay to give up?

Instead of using “super tight” The short sleeves stretch out embarrassing muscles, so it’s better to cover them all, so that you can feel comfortable and look good to others.

Also, for this case , you can also choose a pair of loose wide-leg pants, which can balance the proportion of the upper and lower bodies without making the shape abrupt due to the muscular upper body.

2. Pure fat

If the overall body shape is not serious, but the belly bulges and the chest muscles sagging due to age, then the editor recommends that you try to choose loose and firm ones. Some short sleeves.

Loose version provided It provides enough space for your body, enhances comfort, and does not outline your round belly, while the stiffer fabric can help you modify your lines.

In fact, short sleeves have never been It is a versatile item. If you want to wear it handsomely, it is impossible without putting in effort. Friends, you may wish to try a lot to find short-sleeved shirts that suit your body shape. Use the simplest items to look better than others. demeanor.

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Author: clsrich
