China Fabric Factory Fabric News What does Shuangqiao silk mean (what is the difference between mulberry silk and pure silk)

What does Shuangqiao silk mean (what is the difference between mulberry silk and pure silk)

Speaking of real silk, many people think it is mulberry silk. In fact, real silk does not specifically refer to mulberry silk, but is relative to artificial imitation silk. It can …

Speaking of real silk, many people think it is mulberry silk. In fact, real silk does not specifically refer to mulberry silk, but is relative to artificial imitation silk. It can be any natural protein silk spun by animal silkworms. Called real silk, it mainly includes mulberry silk, tussah silk, cassava silk, sky silk, etc. Among them, mulberry silk has the best quality and is relatively the most expensive. The real silk we usually talk about generally refers to mulberry silk.

Mulberry silk is called real silk. It comes from the mass production of rayon in the middle of the last century. In order to distinguish rayon from rayon, mulberry silk is called “real silk” – real silk. Before that, “silk” in the world referred specifically to mulberry silk, and silk was the fabric woven from mulberry silk.

Mulberry silk and other natural silks are collectively called real silk

Mulberry silk refers to the silk spun by animal silkworms. Mulberry silkworms are a type of silkworm artificially bred in southern my country. The leaves are used as food and are cultivated several times a year. Among them, the silk produced by spring silkworms is of the best quality. And things like tussah silk and sky silk belong to wild silk.

Compared with other natural silks such as tussah silk, mulberry silk fabrics have thinner and longer fibers, and the fineness is generally only about one-tenth of human hair. , and fibers like tussah silk are basically about the same thickness as human hair. The length of mulberry silk can reach tens of meters or even hundreds of meters, while tussah silk is generally only tens of centimeters long, so mulberry silk feels softer and more delicate, more skin-friendly, has better gloss, and is more comfortable to wear. Better too. It is a common choice for people in the market.

Real silk fabrics are a large category of textile fabrics. Generally speaking, silk is actually the material for spinning pure silk. Silk is spun into what we call real silk. Mulberry silk has not been spun. It is a raw material.

Both mulberry silk and real silk contain protein, and silk is now used in both industrial and medical fields.

Mulberry silk is a domestic silkworm species whose main food is mulberry leaves. The silk spun out by mulberry silkworms is white with yellow in color and feels delicate and smooth. It is the main raw material for silk manufacturing.

According to the craftsmanship, the varieties of silk fabrics generally include crepe de chine, heavy crepe, georgette, double qiao, heavy qiao, sangbo satin, plain crepe satin, stretch plain crepe satin, warp knitting, etc. , each has its own characteristics, because its processing technology is different from each other, and the price of the Yamen is also different.

In fact, real silk is mulberry silk.

It’s just a different name. The composition of silk fabric is mulberry silk. Generally, in silk weaving factories, it is customary to call it silk, or when buying clothes, they will say that the clothes are made of silk. When doing fiber identification, it will be said to be mulberry silk. For example, if the fabric is identified as 100% mulberry silk.

Real silk fabrics are relative to simulated silk fabrics, including silk, including mulberry silk, tussah silk, castor silk, cassava silk and other natural fiber fabrics.

Silk is a continuous long fiber formed by solidifying the silk liquid secreted by silkworms when they spin cocoons. Before processing, it is also called “raw silk”, and its texture is slightly hard and translucent; after raw silk is refined and degummed, it is soft and shiny, and is called “cooked silk”. Silk, like cashmere, is one of the earliest animal fibers used by humans.

According to the different foods used for raising silkworms, silk can be divided into mulberry silk, tussah silk, cassava silk, camphor silk, willow silk, etc. However, most of the silk on the market is mulberry silk, which has the best quality and is cultured and Silk reeling technology is the most mature.

The silk fabric is smooth, soft and lustrous. It feels warm in winter and cool in summer. It has a unique “silky sound” phenomenon when rubbed. It has good extensibility and good heat resistance, but it does not It is resistant to salt water corrosion and should not be treated with chlorine-containing bleach or chlorine-containing detergent. Neutral detergent should be used.

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Author: clsrich
