China Fabric Factory Fabric News Nanning Yongning: The development of the entire silkworm industry chain promotes the transformation and upgrading of characteristic industries

Nanning Yongning: The development of the entire silkworm industry chain promotes the transformation and upgrading of characteristic industries

Yongning, as a thousand-year-old county and Diebian New District, is endowed with unique agricultural resources and is now one of the important silkworm production bases in Nanning…

Yongning, as a thousand-year-old county and Diebian New District, is endowed with unique agricultural resources and is now one of the important silkworm production bases in Nanning City. Based on the traditional sericulture industry, Yongning District promotes the standardized development of the sericulture industry by leading the way and building bases. In 2019, 126,408 dans of fresh cocoons were produced, with an output value of 234 million yuan. In 2020, Yongning District had a total area of ​​56,500 acres of mulberry gardens, harvested 5,649 tons of silkworm cocoons, and earned 180 million yuan from cocoon sales. By 2021, the area of ​​mulberry gardens in Yongning District has reached 57,600 acres. As of the first three quarters, the number of seeds has been about 149,400, and the output of silkworm cocoons is 5,760 tons, a year-on-year increase of 20%. The average price is about 54 yuan/kg, and the output value is about 203 million. Yuan, an increase of 107% compared with last year.

Standardize the construction of mulberry orchard bases to improve the quality of cocoon production

Extend the mulberry industry Chain, raw material production is an important guarantee. Since 2015, Yongning District has introduced supportive policies year after year to encourage mulberry planting and silkworm rearing, integrating agricultural funds from multiple channels to improve infrastructure such as water and circuits, and supporting sprinkler irrigation facilities to create standard mulberry gardens. For mulberry farmers who have improved or added high-quality mulberry planting within the urban area from 2019 to 2020, with a basic contiguous area greater than or equal to 5 acres and less than 20 acres, the government will provide a subsidy of 800 yuan/acre; for basic contiguous planting areas of more than 20 acres (inclusive) mulberry farmers will be given a subsidy of 1,200 yuan/mu. In addition, the government will provide a financial subsidy of 600 yuan/square meter for newly built standardized large silkworm houses with an area of ​​no less than 100 square meters each to encourage more farmers to plant mulberry and raise silkworms, and expand the planting of high-quality mulberry orchards. area, driving the development and growth of the mulberry planting industry.

In order to base on the “special” and “excellent” industries and integrate high-quality resources to promote high-quality and high-yielding new silkworm varieties on a large scale, the Urban Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau actively applies and popularizes mulberry The park’s high-quality and high-yielding cultivation, co-breeding of small silkworms, automatic checkered colls, comprehensive prevention and control of silkworm diseases, rail-mounted sericulture vehicles and other advanced practical technologies and machinery continue to promote the modernization and technologicalization of the infrastructure of the sericulture industry. Nowadays, the output of single silkworm cocoons in Yongning District has increased by 23%, and the scale of silkworm cocoon breeding has increased from 10 batches per year to 20 batches per year. According to the autonomous region silk testing center, the current quality of silkworm cocoons in Yongning District has increased to 5A level. At the same time, the incidence of silkworm diseases has dropped from 30% to 5% now. The quality of silkworm cocoons can be reeled into 5A-6A grade raw silk. The sales price is on average more than 3 yuan per kilogram higher than the market price.

Implement the “planting and breeding plus” demonstration and innovate the entire silkworm industry chain business model

In order to innovate industrial management methods, give full play to the pivotal role of agriculture in rural economic development, and build a solid industrial foundation to promote rural revitalization, Nanning Qixing Silkworm Professional Cooperative invested in the construction of Nazhang Mulberry Breeding in Sanjiang Village, Nalou Town Silkworm base, a demonstration base for the entire mulberry industry chain of “mulberry planting + sericulture + silk floss production” has been established. The base has a mulberry planting area of ​​about 200 acres, 9 silkworm houses, and a set of silk floss processing equipment, including There are 2 drying rooms, spinning machines, 1 set of silk floss rinsing and degumming, etc., using cocoons to make cotton, breaking the old industrial business model of single cocoon sales channels and single products, bold innovation to extend the industrial chain, enhance the value chain, and realize the realization of farmers’ Increase income.

Industrialization of characteristic operations and extending the silkworm industry chain

In recent years, in Under the leadership of the Yongning District Government, a large number of new industries and new business formats have emerged in Yongning District. The Urban Agricultural and Rural Affairs Bureau focuses on the mulberry industry, integrating mulberry garden chicken, mulberry leaf tea, mulberry wine and other diversified product production methods, extending the industrial chain of the demonstration area, and building it into a diversified area integrating science popularization, education, leisure and tourism. A “beautiful demonstration area” for the development model. At present, there are several registered trademarks for the silkworm industry in the demonstration area. In addition, in response to the national agricultural structural reform, Yongning District encourages the majority of mulberry and silkworm farmers to replace traditional free-range sericulture with intensive sericulture to improve and stabilize the quality of silkworm cocoons. At the same time, the government will take the lead in working with brother enterprises in the Guangxi cocoon and silk industry. Cooperate to continuously improve the scientific and technological content and cocoon quality, expand and deepen the sericulture industry, and implement high-quality development requirements. On the basis of ensuring the quality of silkworm planting, Yongning District has fully explored the diversity of the silkworm industry and developed “Silkworm Sightseeing Farm”, “Mulberry Fruit Picking Garden”, “Silkworm Home” and “Mobile Mulberry House” and other special tourism services to attract tourists to come to the park for leisure sightseeing, self-picking, and purchase of high-quality products and handicrafts, develop new marketing methods, enhance the added value of the silkworm industry, and enhance brand influence.

Integrated development and innovative introduction of a variety of mulberry varieties. The innovatively introduced varieties are used to develop a series of products such as mulberry wine, mulberry juice, mulberry leaf noodles, and mulberry leaf tea. The existing mulberry fruit processing enterprise in Yongning District is Guangxi Yongzhou Xuanna Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. Guangxi Yongzhou Xuanna Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. has built a 350-acre standardized mulberry planting base in Hanlin Village, Xinjiang Town. It mainly operates “Xuanna Mulberry Wine”, Yusangyuan brand “mulberry wine” and “mulberry juice” series of wines and Drinks. At the same time, there are large industrial production sites such as mulberry wine production workshops, processing workshops, product storage warehouses, and cold storages, as well as a juice pressing production line and a mulberry wine production line. The development advantages are obvious, and the modern agricultural industry system is complete, laying a solid foundation for the agricultural and rural economic law. Base. The production workshop includes fresh fruit storage area, cleaning area, pressing area, fermentation area, frozen storage area, product packaging area, etc., and is equipped with cold chain distribution, parking lot and other service facilities. The introduction of processing equipment includes filters, colloid mills, presses, workbenches, packaging machines, and automatic mixers.wait. At present, the annual output value of mulberry wine and mulberry juice can reach 300 tons and 100 tons, with a total annual output value of 10 million yuan and a net profit of 1 million yuan.

Green leadership, promote the comprehensive utilization of “mulberry and edible fungi”. On the basis of the existing situation, Yongning District is exploring the establishment of “mulberry branch-fuel-fertilizer”, “mulberry branch-feed-fertilizer”, “silkworm excrement-feed-fertilizer”, “silkworm-silk-silk-fertilizer-mushroom” and “silkworm-silk-silk fertilizer-mushroom” according to local conditions. – Biogas-mulberry-light-fish”, “pig-biogas-mulberry-silkworm” and other sericulture resource recycling models, and promote the formation of a “mulberry-edible fungus” characteristic industry to effectively solve the problem of straw burning in mulberry orchards and increase industrial benefits. . Studies have shown that mulberry branches are very suitable as a culture substrate for edible fungi. Using mulberry branches as a culture substrate to cultivate edible fungi such as shiitake mushrooms, black fungus, mushrooms, and shimeji mushrooms has good quality, high yield, superior quality, and significant economic benefits. With the development supported by the government, driven by enterprises and participated by the society, there are currently 2 edible fungi production bases in Yongning District. In particular, there are small-scale edible fungi production workshops around Sanjiang Village in Nalou Town, with a base area of ​​about 10,000 square meters. rice.

Give full play to the market-oriented and enterprise-driven role. In order to focus on the key sericulture industry and highlight the chain effect of clusters, Yongning District currently has one cocoon and silk deep processing enterprise – Guangxi Guihe Technology Co., Ltd., with an annual production capacity of 5.8 million meters of silk and satin, 100 tons of twisted silk, and 100 tons of raw silk. , 126,000 sets of clothing and home textile products, with an output value of more than 450 million yuan, a tax of 15 million yuan, and more than 800 new jobs. Through vigorous technological transformation and product innovation, the rapid development of silk reeling, silk weaving, etc. has been promoted, and the industrial chain has been further expanded and extended. Nowadays, the output value of Guangxi Guihe Technology Co., Ltd. in 2020 reaches 128.59 million, and its products are sold to Guangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and exported to Italy and Romania, making Guangxi silk products famous at home and abroad.


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Author: clsrich
